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MemFlips (Live) @ La Guadalupana
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
Attendees are expected to buy their own meal and to cover their own tip.
Attendance at a MIG event constitutes consent for the use of your image or likeness on promotional materials of and for MIG including the MIG website and its pages and social media sites.
By attending Memphis Investors Group IN PERSON events you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
About this event
Attn: Local Wholesalers, Rehabbers, Fix and Flippers....
Give Something of Value
Gain Something of Value
Meet Someone of Value
If you're actively involved in flipping real estate anywhere in the MidSouth this is for you.
Agenda: Rub shoulders, connect, share and learn with other like-minded flipping pros locally doing deals
La Guadalupana
4818 Summer Avenue
Memphis, TN 38122

Cost is $0 --- Just buy your own lunch!
What this IS: A gathering of positive, like-minded flippers... both wholesalers, and fix-and-flip rehabbers of all experience levels... all having lunch together, enjoying the chance to share and care.
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